
uTorrent acquisition
Troy Smith
Music (I won't be preachy, I swear.)
most of these will be stubs but I just want to write a quick tidbit on these.
Labels: Filler
A Lazy Man's Blog
Not much to know. Just another kid looking for another form of expression. A lot of things make me happy, more things piss me off. It will not take long for anyone to figure out where I stand on stuff, but I don't spit out opinions because I like to hear myself make arguments, I will always have a motive. Peace.
Labels: Filler
Labels: Gears of War, Guitar Hero, PS2, Xbox 360
Labels: HBO, the wire, underrated
Labels: BCS, bowl, college football, collge basketball
Labels: CDX-GT510, duped, waste of money
Labels: Casino Royale, Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Thanksgiving, The Prestige
Labels: fanboys, Nintendo, Playstaion 3, Sony, Wii