It's Been Awhile
Well it it has been a long time since I posted. Time just kind of got away from me I guess. I'll try to make up for it by writing a little more than usual today (assuming anyone cares :-))
Playstation 3 and Nintendo Wii have finally made their respective debuts, and with new console launches come throngs of over-opinionated, frothing at the mouth fools. Fanboys love to nitpick and find flaws, no matter how trivial or nonexistent. I had a Playstaion 2 and an Xbox and loved them both, and it pains me to see Sony getting rocked by every reviewer, but in the end as a consumer I have to make the smartest investment: either a 360 or ::sigh:: the Wii. I've long stereotyped Nintendo as a children's company, but the wiimote looks pretty damn fun. The graphics on the Wii are noticeably worse on the Wii than its competitors, but I still think it would be a riot to play tennis with a virtual racket. I guess the best move is to wait until the dust settles and then make a move.

Labels: fanboys, Nintendo, Playstaion 3, Sony, Wii
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